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Read Sample Poems from


162 poems 

Updated 11.14.2021

Read Sample Poems from


162 poems 

Updated 11.14.2021

It happens every time
I give more than what I have
Strange feeling hearing the voice
That left in 1975
Yet remains timeless decades later Having passed through a virtual portal No nicks, scrapes or bumps
To disturb the vibraphone
To obscure the multi-octave range
Each note, as if preserved from death
As though our true spirit remains Through our thoughts set down in script Sung in studios
Recording the very breath,
The mood and intent obvious
Like a dream, unanalyzed
Left to reveal much or little
On its own internal merit
Letting you glimpse
Another aspect of the consciousness Mirroring experience
Through a medium, because of vagueness Rorschach videos
Shapeless at first
Then revealing the very truth of your day As though obvious to a child
Which you can re-visit
Each of us searching for their portal
To leave behind the real you
Sung, written, painted, kissed and held All your children and theirs
Echo in open symbolism, the smile


© 2016 Calm Publishing

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