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If one says due to Karma

You “must” reap what your deeds sow

They deny the possibility of a spiritual life

The opportunity for realization

Open to your definition

         But if Karma works

         In accordance with your acts

         Then both Karmic “law”

         And spiritual growth are possible

Within the scope of your experience

Try to leave a wake of happiness

At least during some extended periods

Understanding that tragedy and loss

Can derail any train.

How we regain our balance

How we prepare

For the next boulder on the tracks

Is the most significant question

         How much strength do you have?

         How resilient are you?

         Will you stay with your values?

         Are you merciful or mean?

Those in doubt should walk by a school

Walk by the students

Feel the energy.

Absorb the voices

Remember your time

In that state of mind

See that life continues, unfazed

While you, individual,

May see a haze

Others see a sunny day                              


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