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There is an easier way through

Without the fun-house mirror

The distortions of bent glass

Seeing yourself analytically

Without accepting how you got here.

After all those mistakes and wrong turns

Spinning doughnuts on the Bay Bridge

Without benefit of a vehicle –

Just the mind stopping traffic

As they shoot video

            He was a protestor they said

            Should get out of Viet Nam he demanded.

            He didn’t believe them

            When his fellow campers told him

            We left decades ago.

            He had gone over to Cal

            Saw half were Asians

            Convinced they won

            He buried his uniform

            Out in the Emeryville mudflats

            Where he lived on food scraps

            From Spengers and Alice Water’s spot

Now he lies flat

In an East Bay plot

Still convinced America lost.

Got run out by the Viet Kong.

Lost the people.

But the Army still held on

To key posts and refused to leave

            So he lies peacefully at last

            No more whirling disease

            Finally home, his own piece of dirt


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