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It may have been

That we were left

Beside the road

Separated from our means of transport

Across these arid plains

Where the only drink

That quenches thirst

Is another deposit in the bank

As though work was life

And work is measured by money

And the one that collects and keeps the most

Must be the most fully alive

And yet a mask appears

And it is not Zorro

Or any figment of film or video

But rather the inner torment

Of seeking truth

And finding the fraudulent

Who occupy the halls

Of the bureaus and the executives

            A rattle of junkies

            Barging in on the session

            Of the assembly of the State of California

            Demand full syringes

            For everyone

            With any requested dose

            Before discussion begins

            And again, after session ends

            And then again when the sun rises

            And then again when it sets

            And sooner or later, right dude?

            The matter will be settled

            With another payment by the tax paper    


© 2016 Calm Publishing

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